Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yea! I feel better :)

I woke up feeling a little groggy and slow, but by the time I got to work I felt the best I had since the weekend. We worked on the new web page all day. Currently our district hosts the website on our servers, but we are switching over to a hosting company. They worked with business and started working with schools more recently. They have all our campus websites now, but not the main page and all the other departments. KK and I are copying over the information from the current department pages that don't change very often and setting up pages for those page masters that do have a lot of changes. It is a lot of work on the front end, but will be much nicer and easier for the page masters in the long run. The hosting company has an online chat for assistance and we use it quite frequently. They are always ready to help us make the site like we want it. Nice people.
I tried a new recipe with pinto beans. It was a slow cooker recipe and slow was the key word. It said I didn't need to soak the beans. Ha! I started it this morning at 7:00 AM and now it is a bit after 10:00 PM. The beans are almost done! DH was a good sport and took us on a walk before his breakfast/dinner. However, he was even nicer when he took us out to Panda Express when the beans were still hard! Well, I guess I have dinner mostly ready for tomorrow! I think it will taste good enough to pass along, but don't believe the part about not soaking the beans!
We got to hear GS 4-1 read a book on the phone tonight before he went to bed. GD 4-2 chimed in with a few comments. Both were excited to say goodnight to Papa. Grand kids are so fun! I also saw Miss Pink Cheeks (GD 1-1) after her work out on the Jump Rope team. She created a new jump called the cylinder today. Nice Work!


  1. Sounds like your work is fun! It's taking me a little bit to understand the your blog-code, but I'm getting it thanks to DD-2. Love, DSIL-2.

  2. apparently, i didn't teach him well enough. love dd-3
